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Showing posts from February, 2017

Imogen and Kieran final day in the UK before there adventure to Australia

At Heathrow   A fairly long car journey for me and some real nerves setting in as I travel with Trish and we spoke about the kids and our feelings about them not being around for a while . I was mixed feelings with excitement and mostly nervous as Imogen is our youngest daughter. Taking this trip with Kieran was a huge step but one that would be great for them and to see the world. From a mothers prospective it must have been very difficult to walk away from there rented home and there belongings that started their home together. Most of their affects put into storage for them on their return and the rest was distributed to us to look after or keep. On arrival at Heathrow terminal both cars arrived at fairly much the same time.  We met as we come out of the car park and there they were with their back packs looking nervous. All of us were dealing with the change in our own way with knotted tummies , worrying looks at each other , we all tried to sit and get a drink a...

Fave Music Walk of The Earth I found this Band with a real happy beat and wonderful Harmonies and a great ability for using many instruments Petatonix  Petatonix has marvellous harmonies and such wonderful skills and have the ability to charm audiences all of the world 

Unwell again like Christmas time 3rd of January

3rd of January  Since last week i felt i was going downhill and like just before Christmas  had a high fever this was followed by severe sickness and a temperature that seemed to build up . I have had a sore throat now for an ongoing period but sometimes I don't worry about it due to the fact.  It may only be sore at night or early morning . Well, this last few days  I have had a sore throat all the time with a hacking cough that followed. Soon after every thing from the very beginning  I had a powerful headache. My temperature had been peeking at 38 C on Friday ad Saturday and on Sunday it was 39C . I'm going to log the amount of times where these illnesses are similar. The only difference last time was the reverse where the headache was more prevalent and definitely more severe with the sickness. It does have similarities like last time except on the reverse. This time also it has started of my asthma which has been harder to deal with but I'm ok with taki...

Bucket list

My personalBucket List  small steps and big steps  Be on our local Town council  To be  Deputy Mayor  Love to be a mayoress of the town  To help my son be confident  To help my son get his you tube account up and running with videos  Visit my my sponsored children in Africa , brazil and Columbia  See we were Evergreen again Have Evergreen play at my home  See Gemma hayes in Concert again  See Stomp Live  Watch the Cirque du soleil To try flower arranging  write a book  Visit Paris the city of Love  Visit szentendre in Hungary Visit Gubbio in Italy our twinned town  visit America  Go to the beautiful county of Iceland  Meet Emma Thompson  Meet Emilia Fox  To help others with Cancer via blogging , talking and also eventually vlogging xx