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Christmas is nearly Upon Us :: Reflecting on This year

The Reflecting on this year

Merry Christmas to all that read my blog friends and followers and to the community I live in. I hope your year has been as spectacular like ours. This year we have learnt so much as a family about what goes on in our community and we have really enjoyed visiting and meeting so many people and groups that function within the community. This year has seen and epic amount of visits to varied places and doing so many new things.We have covered very many appointments on Behalf of the mayor this year due to varied private reasons and we have cherished every moment. This year we have seen and taken part in many flag raisings and marking the remembrance of all our armed forces that fought in theatres of war which has helped given our country freedom.  We Marked significant landmarks of time each one of them dearly cherished in our hearts. We thank our Royal airforce , British Army and Royal Navy for what they have done and are now doing to protect this country.
This year has passed so quickly in the position of Deputy mayoress and my husband being deputy mayor of the town we live in. We have met many dignitaries  of other times that we have enjoyed spending time in the sun and the pouring rain, its been a joy to meet mayors and deputies from surrounding towns and villages. We have worked hard networking and saving issue within out town council and attending other dignitaries charities and varied types of functions.

We feel very honoured meeting many people and supporting people throughout the year and proud of the places we have been invited to during this mayoral year up to Christmas. It is joyous and there will remain memories we will hold close to our hearts. Along the way we have met some inspiring adults and children that make our community a joy to live in. These people help to set great standards to others and has opened my eyes to what happens that lots of people are unaware of. I would like to mention one little girl that caught my heart that pops up in a few photos we have taken over the year.
Daisy Bell is a 6 year old little girl that has shown true story of courage, bravery and is charming and inspirational. Since Daisy was a baby she has struggled with her health and from 10 weeks fought with meningitis which caused her to get Hydrocephalous and has had 9 brain operations in this time.
Daisy and her siblings and parents have devoted their time to raising money for charities and also to the ward that saved her life. Daisy thinks of other children and raised money and helped to get people to offer brand new toys to offer to sick children on the wards. To my surprise also every birthday Sianade and Ronnie and their children celebrate daisy birthday by holding a huge party yearly and everyone has the chance to buy raffle tickets that helps to raise funds for Holly ward.  Every year she asks for help to help others . For a six year old I found this so inspiring that all her friends join her for her birthday but she asks for donations instead of presents for herself. Now I don't know many 6 year olds that give up their birthday  and possible gifts to help and thinks of others.  This year we had the great fortune to join her on her 6 th birthday. Daisy's siblings are also active in helpng  each other by raising funds for charities . Brandon daisys older brother a charming young boy with great manners sold cakes at school to raise money this year. Lilly the older sister also gets involved with raising money and knows the significance of helping others. All the children got to you carers who help children that have siblings or parents with ill health. Lots of activities happen throughout the year to offer time out from difficult times when they have siblings or parents that have disabilities and ill health. There Brother shay a very active boy that suffers from highly functioning autism but all the children think of others before themselves. Through adversity this family do so much for others in just this community even though in one way or another they have difficult times when daisy is suffering or having another brain operation. We are very lucky to know people like this that do things in the community that people don't see. If this is just one family how many other families face similar or difficult situations.

Photos of us meeting Daisy and spending time with her on her birthday

Ever since meeting Daisy we haves nicknamed her a little penguin because she is mad about penguins. Daisy is in the arms of her mother Sianade below bottom left is Lilly and shay

On Daisy's 6 th birthday 

This year my husband had his first trip abroad visiting our twin town of Szentendre on an official trip to sign the charter of our twinning town.  Below shows some of the photos that jay took on his travels. Unfortunately wasn't in attendance as i hadn't the time to get a passport plus it was during school time. So i needed to be at home with Caleb and my daughter spent time looking after me whilst jay was away. It seemed like forever even though it was a short trip. This is because we never spend time apart.

During the earlier part of the year before jay was Deputy Mayor we got the chance to meet and watch an amazing performance of youngsters from Kampala Uganda on a tour of the United Kingdom. We fortunately received an email that gave us the opportunity go and see a show a few days before. It was great to listen to there little voices and hear them share the joy in there hearts . The sad stories that were in the show really hit me hard and we already had seen the young boy below . This is Joshua below and his smile brightened the stage. I noticed before the show started they offered sponsorships and quickly Caleb and my son Caleb and I chose to help Joshua. We got the chance to meet Joshua and we spoke about his love for dancing and sport. Such a clever little boy and we sat and spoke about his life in Africa. A bond between us had started and I wasn't leaving before the night was over. I had stood up from my wheel chair and was looking for just a chair to sit on and he reached out for a chair and another to sit beside me. His little hand reached out and I just wanted to bring him home in a heartbeat. Between the Music director and myself who said Yes take him home which made us laugh, Joshua was such a humble boy and showed fabulous qualitys singing and would a great dancer. We told Joshua we were so proud of him and he looked so happy.The show was active full of colour , song , dance. We thought it was the last performance we would see then something happened to reunite us again before he went back to Uganda. There were two other children we wanted to sponsor but at the time we couldn't afford to help any more from the choir.
After the evening session of song and dance Joshua come to find us and gave us hugs before we departed for home. I decided after this to check out web pages and various places to see if they were touring near us again. To my surprise we found another show and booked to attend this and it would be the last show before they left for Uganda. In between I chatted with people that organised the destinations of the tours and spoke about where they stayed during touring. We tried to work it so that we could look after Joshua and Eclaus but unfortunately it didn't work that way which was dreadfully disappointing but maybe next time.

This our sponsored child Joshua who is a little younger than our own son 
This is Maryphiona 

Maryphiona at the front 

Below is Eclaus and Maryphiona

In this photo the boys Eclaus on the left and Joshua on the right 


Meeting the children from Kampala again 

Our next encounter was meeting at a small barbecue arranged for the children and the people that hosted the children. Although we couldn't host we were invited to spend time with the boys. We had got the boys a very special pencil set to take back to Uganda. This time was so nerve wracking I didn't know what to say,   I'm sure they were shy also but those smiles say a million words. The bracelets on my wrists represent each boy and they were so happy about that. During the barbecue  after spending time with each of the boys and Maryphiona it was so nice to learn more about them individually. We had a great time Eclaus moved from where he was sitting to sit with us and he loved to talk about different things . Joshua was a little more quieter but he eventually come to join us at the table in his own time. we spoke about home and what they liked about the UK and i will never forget this articular evening as both wanted to come home with us. Can you imagine the difference between Uganda and there lives compared to that of my own son. They missed there mothers because there only young but to sing and dance and tell their story is important to them too.

I love this photo jay always nicknames me and calls me the Earth mother the way eclaus is looking up at me he was saying he wanted to stay with us. Both boys showed such motivation in there ways and individually showed great personalities . We sponsored Joshua it was his big smile that filled a room or wherever they were we knew it was him . I wish in truth we could have brought both boys home forever. 

This was after our second meeting of Maryphiona ad we wanted to sponsor her but we knew it would be tough as we helped so many others in other countries at the time. Mary phone also wanted to come home with us and we would of been proud to have her in our lives , she showed spirit and was very clever and great at dancing  . Maryphiona loved to dance and was amazing with the African drums so incredible.... I will add a video i found on you tube doing her thing  you will all be surprised of her abilities . 

A very big thank you to my daughter Imogen and her boyfriend for getting us to this barbecue it was an important evening before their last show. Imogen could see why i like sponsoring and how it helps them . Joshua , Eclaus and maryphiona have seen more of the world than me but you have to think of what here life is like when they return home. Life isn't easy in Uganda  but with the help they get it is made to be better for each and everyone of them but each child has there story. 

After this beautiful evening we had one more chance to see the children before they left to fly back to Uganda 

The last show 

The last show build up was one of excitement and nervousness seeing the children before the show started. Also we were now visiting in the capacity of deputy mayor and mayoress they were excited bless them. Unfortunately,  we were unable to wear our chains of office due to protocol.  The kids were excited when they see us because they had heard of this important role within our town. 
we spent time with the boys before the show and Maryphiona  Eclaus taught me how to play and the electronic piano and Caleb was taught some notes . Due to me M.E and being chronically fatigued i was terrible and my memory showed me up again. i couldn't remember a few notes . Finally Eclaus guided my hand along the keys positioning my fingers on the correct notes. Eclaus was so proud of my terrible efforts although he thought it was great.   I smiled with joy but with nervousness too its difficult to explain to people that your memory can be poor at learning . However i had written the three of them very long letters and they were excited with the photos i got printed for them. They showed there friends with great delight and we bought a small teddy that we gave maryphiona and her little face lit up. On that evening i bought a necklace from their merchandise so i had something to wear to represent maryphiona so that every where we went she would be with us. To see a a young girls so happy like that because of that was so rewarding to our family. we had grown close to these kids almost like our own. it was going to be sad to see them for the last time until I'm able to visit Uganda or they come back here in the next two years . Below are some of that evenings photos that filled us with joy.

Being taught how to play a few notes with Eclaus whilst Caleb has tuition with Joshua .

 before the show started with Maryphiona , Eclaus and Joshua
 During the break with Maryphiona
 Eclaus and Maryphiona Below

More Highlights from the year and still reflecting 

Highlights in the year was when we met A group of flag throwers from another of our twinned towns from Gubbio in Italy. Photos below shows how much fun we had and fortunately the weather was appropriate for the time. There was a little wind on the second performance but all went amazingly . The evening before we were to host the Flag throwers to and evening of food and Entertainment . We very much enjoyed the evening which was full of great entertainment with some dancing and merry singing from the flag throwers which was lots of fun and really funny,


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