Today was unusual as I woke up in bed and couldn’t move at all it was like I could see and hear but couldn’t move my body in any way. It was really quite frightening. After a while I was gradually able to move a little more which was such a relief but for a while I was definateley quite frightened. Ditty was at the bottom of the stairs as jay had got up first to make a coffee . Bless ditty always has a wiggle bottom when greeting us in the morning . I have become a bit of a gamer at 49 years old ,we have PS4 and I have played fortnite it has truly been Addictive fun. I now understand those poor parents that can't get there kids of the game it is totally addictive :-) lol. The idea if anyone that doesn't know is there are 100 hundred players and you have to be the last one to survive. Wherever you may choose on the map you pick up materials and weapons. In the game you will get missions to cover and you get points xp ect. You win skins which is different people in different outfits. You have legendary, rare uncommon ect
Well the weekend has been nice and a little calmer than it’s been but it’s still unsettled as the house still needs to finished and we are into the 6 th week. Jays dad is coming over for dinner and we have our granddaughter as my daughter has gone to Alton towers and you know what there like . I never remember going places like my daughter and not having my kids with me. The kids become important and they come before me . As you may know we have 4 kids ....3 daughters and one Son . Our son is the only one that lives at home with us and the girls have there own lives. My granddaughter Evie-mae is having a great time today playing minecraft and singing Ed sheeran songs. Today the flooring chap was supposed to arrive to latex the floor ahead of this Monday. We have waited all morning and it’s now 12.15 but he hasn’t arrived yet . So all that emptying the room and moving the virgin server box has caused our internet to stop working which brought the house to a melt down. We have to wait n...
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