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The big build and my health

we are enjoying the new design of our open plan kitchen / living room and jay has been very busy moving the contents of the kitchen and living room into boxes for safety. We were surprised abut the amount of dust that finally settled in the present day living room. I have to say for week one the two guys involved in the build have been incredible and they have progressed quickly in a week . This has involved taking out a kitchen and taking down existing walls to make space for a new kitchen/ living space. The current living room will be a bedroom due to my health to make things so much easier.
I have looked through the kitchen colours and I thought of grey but jay mentioned how I get funny at night and my imagination runs away with itself. So we have gone for a hi gloss in white to help with the lighting through the window and also a darker worktop to prevent it being the same as most people may choose. I have chosen the copper handles for the kitchen as we wanted to be different from the norm. I actually wanted to go for the industrial/ / contemporary style hopefully ending up with a raw but bright open plan kitchen/ living room.we have chosen to have some white panel doors as it’s something we have both always wanted. As for the rest of the space there is much to be done but so much completed in a week . As you can Imagine they are skilled at there job and I was naturally surprised at there progressing a week. My dream is to have a kitchen and living room in that raw style. We have always had basic doors that had never been painted propely as hubby never really had the time to paint. You know how things are with a family and and grandchildren when they come in and hold the handle of the doors . Normally you get one grandchild shouting out and the other hanging from the door handle with little tiny paw 🐾 prints over the doors . I want a fresh start because being  poorly it makes such a difference already in how I feel. It’s like our future is about to begin again but another stage of our lives as parents to our wonderful 4 children and presently 3 grandchildren . The only thing the children will need to do is not run downstairs through my bedroom on the ground floor as I will need to maintain its freshness away from grandchildren hands. Do you know what I mean when they dangle themselves of the handle whilst holding the walls. Does anyone know what I mean or know that feeling when children hang round the corner or the door , use it as a dance bar , or the children that just hang on and don’t want to leave. The problem is the handle is secure and that dosnt want to leave either with the child attached lol 😂 😂 😂.

This is the overall plan of the bottom floor

The kitchen that is being remodelled into a kitchen and living room 

This was my original mood board below but I seem to have changed my ideas for this in some ways . Instead of going to industrial I wanted to have the mix of a contemporary interior. New mood board to follow .

Week 2
Today’s new job for the guys is taking out part of the wall directly facing the back garden to enable a new window and and nice new back door . I had forgotten to say the side door will now be changed to make space with the kitchen appliances will run where the current back door is on the back of the wall near the new kitchen. I will add some photographs to help explain my written blog . Today they have taken out the back door and part of the wall and two windows. They have put plaster board up on the ceiling and that is there and eventually ready for lights. One of the guys is plaster boarding the wall so it’s sound proof where the kitchen units are going.

Unwell ( I have M.E )
The reason for all of this is I have been unwell for years and I have some complexed medical problems . One of the things I have been troubled with is fatigue for so many years . I am now finally learning when to rest . Normally I would crash and burn and then be set back for weeks . I still sleep
so much more though than ever and my muscles hurt 🤕 it’s outrageous pain. The fatigue is like having flu symptoms but everyday of the week. If I’m not struggling with sleep I then struggle with insomnia . At the beginning I used to get annoyed because people in the family especially my hubby could sleep when his head hit the pillow. I would never say this to him bless him as he is my rock and my hero. The only thing with all of this is it effects every day of my life. Some days I just roll up in a ball and stay in bed . Mostly I am on the chair and I do not move and that has conflictions with my
brain  🧠 and my way of thinking because I want to move around the house but my body isn’t
allowing me to do anything. You know when people say oh your just tired no it’s not like that because there is all the other things go along with this . I however have tried to keep myself positive in all of this but it’s so overwhelming. Do anything makes me worse and sets me back .
There are many days sensory problems kick in and I can’t concentrate in a conversation or on the phone . I have got to the stage where I will not pick up the phone for fear of messing up a call or not being able to sound great to talk to or fall asleep whilst someone is talking . All these things can affect me terribly in a way that I don’t function. I hate being away from the house and up until now I had one year that I didn’t go out unless it was the doctors appointment. On a personal level I feel content at home in my own surroundings with my own things. Dizziness is another problem that happens in the day at some point . At one point my M.E was questioned to wether I had MS because some of the symptoms at that time years back were borderline. I lived in Essex and the doctors there were not great.

Does this possibly link back in 1994

On the birth of my beautiful daughter in 1994.I remember things that stuck out in my mind after the birth  . 1 the nurse pricked herself with the needle and neither my husband or I see her change the needle . At the time I remember they wanted to get home and finish there shift . The nurse checked everything and then I was a mum again for the 3 rd time. I mentioned to the staff I felt unwell and

I felt so unwell but in a way. Every time I got up I couldn’t do much I felt dizzy , sick ...I was told by nurses you have the flu because the window was open when I was giving birth. Now anyone knows that you don’t get flu through having an open window. I couldn’t fight but I just felt so ill that I just let them carry on saying what they thought . Anyway I knew I would be going home but I did say I

don’t feel great they said to me you have just had a baby you won’t be feeling wonderful. This wasn’t it so the next thing was oh your tired and you have baby blues. Baby blues I was excited I loved my baby I didn’t feel bad like that in anyway I didn’t not want to hold my beautiful girl . Once they label you it is heard to escape the label as it goes on your medical files. It follows you like the plague and there’s no escape.
2 We decided one sunny day to take baby Imogen to meet her great grandma this was back when we was still living in Essex and I felt poorly on the walk to the home but couldn’t explain what was going on really . Jay went to look for his Nan and I remember please don’t be long I want to sit down. I felt terrible. Jay returned after a little while to find me slumped over the back of the buggy. As the staff tried to move me jay said they dropped me on the floor and I hit my head . I was showing signs of cyanosis and was blue . Jay was sure he couldn’t here and I was definateley not breathing . Anyway after a few minutes I let out a sound and took a big breath and jay was in a state of despair 😩 but he was so worried he dosnt remember much more about it . An ambulance come to pick me up . Final upshot was it was baby blues and yes I did feel unwell because 3 calls a day to doctors , midwife and health visitor for 4 weeks. On the fourth week of pain and weird symptoms they finally
say bring a clot of blood in and definitely come in . I had a retained placenta so when they said after
the birth all the placenta was collected and it was all together. After surgery I had been carrying half the placenta inside me for near on a month. So I always stick to my thoughts and don’t leave anything because I could have died through this and conveniently the files where lost from the hospital when
we had moved away . Back then we was young and too young naive to follow up what happened .
More happened dad carrying me into hospital once during this time and me wanting to sleep on the floor instead of sitting in a chair .

Since all of this I have had a whole bunch of
neurological symptoms that I struggle with on top of this .


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