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Bucket list/explanations

My personalBucket List 

I have this growing bucket list of things I would like to do or attempt in the near future please watch and see what I manage to do.

small steps and big steps 

1  Be on our local Town council     

During the month of September a place finally became available in our town to join our town council .
I had tried to stand as a candidate many years back but missed out on a place by something like 10 
Votes and I remember being heartbroken. This time I was much luckier as candidates who were standing 
decided not to stand . I ended up fighting for my position and I remember the excitement when finding out 
I had achieved a place . I now had the chance to have a voice in the town I live and make time for the people 
living in my community . I have now been on the town council for a few months and I love every minute of it. 

2 To be  Deputy Mayor 

I would formally like to be deputy mayor of our town but this year has been wonderful being alongside my husband in his role . 

My husband has been deputy mayor since May 2016 so I am currently deputy mayoress because I was elected by the town council and my husband to be his deputy mayoress even though I wasn't on the town council at that point in town we live in 
It has been an incredible role to be in and we have met so many people we posdibly would never had met . I hope that at one time I will have the chance to be a deputy but my husband to be my consort.  The confidence this role has given me has been incredible.  It has been wonderful meeting people that are raising funds within our community and that have been the voices of champions . One particular family I can speak of won varied inspiring awards for there fundraising . The mother of the family has four children one with severe health issues and and  a son with autism . All of there children have been hugely instrumental in raising funds for other people's funds and also raising money to help other children like there little just turned 6 year old . I cannot begin to explain to tell you how I feel to see them working so hard and really being a champion family . They have inspired me to raise funds for organisations . This year I was able to enter a couple of fundraising events in my wheelchair so as deputy mayoress I have  felt that pride and really enjoyed the fun of achieving my goals.  My son Caleb. Pushed me around a 5 k event called bubble rush . This event was so much fun with. Bubbles at about 5 stations and some of the bubble stations  were higher than me . Also Jay opened an event to support Cruse bereavement so it only felt right to do the walk so my husband pushed me in the chair round a 3 k walk . This has inspired me to do more in the summer of 2017 and really hope bubble rush come back as that would be amazing .

 3 Love to Be Mayoress 

 4 To help our son be confident 

Caleb is a quiet young boy with a beautiful and kind heart and very compassionate to others 

 5 To help get Caleb's You tube up and running 

First we need to set up an intro and have some sort of logo representing his chosen hobbies 

6 Visit my my sponsored children in Africa and Honduras
7 See we were Evergreen again
8 See Gemma hayes in Concert again 
9 See Stomp Live 
10 Watch the Cirque du soleil
11To try flower arranging 
12 write a book 
13 Visit Paris the city of Love 
14 Visit szentendre in Hungary
15 Visit Gubbio in Italy our twinned town 
16 visit Venice 
17 visit America 
18 Go to the beautiful county of Iceland 
19 Meet Emma Thompson 
20 Meet Emilia Fox 
21 Meet Darcy Bussell
22 visit Iceland
23 stay in a yurt 
24 stay in a tree House 
25 Ti visit my sponsored children in Honduras and Africa 
26 To see my daughters get married to the men of there dreams 
27 visit my sponsored  children in Africa  
28 to have my favourite bands play at home we were evergreen , gemma hayes , leddra chapman and 


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