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NEW YEAR (Celebrations)

As the year comes to close after the period of Christmas limbo 2017-2018  , I take thought of the wonderful year given to us . My daughter and Kieran come back after months in Australia 🇦🇺 and I was so proud of both of them out there with snakes 🐍, spiders 🕷 ect  . Imogen said bats 🦇 with wide wing spans and she was even chief spider catcher  whereever she went . I would have run a mile. I’m so proud they had the opportunity put to them and that they tried. It’s certainly isn’t all easy like people may think 💭. My daughter missed family , gosh !!!did I miss her so much like it hurt . I was so proud no sooner they were back both were back in the jobs they had . This year also we got our little pug who is 8 months old and she has been a real blessing to us all and has been great company and very therapeutic.
We have had and some great highlights throughout as a family and moments to be very proud of  .This year we had our first visit abroad after the many years of wanting to travel . Our first trip to Szentendre in Hungary 🇭🇺 will always be a soecial memory for us , The very first member of our family to be Mayor and Mayoress of A town  which will be in the history of the town make up forever. My daughters are both doing well in there jobs and big shout for my daughter who not that long back started working in a care home . I was so proud of her as she has had her struggles and has been unforgettably trod on at times in certain jobs. I’m proud that she got this job that has given her that bit more confidence in herself and a spring in her step. Health wise things have been tricky but for me and for caleb . Caleb was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome which has been tough for him . I know the reality of when your feeling poorly and the world passes you by . The same had happened with Caleb all except a small handful of friends have stayed in touch  whilst others decided they didn’t like him because he was ill . Yes I know confusing isn’t it, kids I say. He has new friend who has come into the midst which is great for Caleb. Educationally it has been tough until a tailor made learning structure took Caleb on with home schooling which has been the best thing for him .
My daughter abbey has had a tough year with my grandson but since his change in school this has helped turn things around . It was beyond the ridiculous she was having to pick up Oliver after an hour of education.  It’s been  an up hill battle but one I recognise myself with my son and education . Oliver has different difficulties that I will let you see in her blog when she starts to talk more about it.  . I’m enormously proud of her for fighting to get help with Oliver it isn’t easy being a mum. Irs not always roses 🌹 and perfect . Anyway her work with him is paying of which I admire her for . Some people do understand this .
Back to my health I follow a blogger and you tuber called Nalie that I followed since my journey with breast cancer four years ago. I have tried to build on where she is so positive and I admit the days I look 👀 at health in a positive way but there are days when life is difficult and I want to cry 😭. Sometimes it’s easy to brush myself of and other days it’s not simple . Thankyou to my husband and to my son for being rocks at home 🏠. Jay is always there and he has always and will continue to be a wonderful guy who listens and is always there. Caleb has been a great boy and he has managed to do things that other kids may not have ever done. I have lots of admiration for Caleb he is really great with listening and he has a great personality and he is a really great compassionate boy especially for his age . Well this year he will be 16 and where does the time go it dosnt seem long ago when he was at the infant school . Time is something never to dismiss and live life to the fullest that you can . Happy 😃 2018 and lets hope I can blog more and maybe go abroad again . Elections are this year so let’s hope and pray I’m able to get back into the town council and maybe have a goal of being mayor like jay has been . We have a few more months left of the mayoral year and we need to get back in the swing of fundraising for the charities we both chose for jays mayoral year.

More to come just a taster of this page for now


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