Into the month of August more mayoral dates for the diary
6th Charity bingo night for our charity’s
12th Carnival
13th RAF Wyton anniversary
14th police HQ
18th Fusion Huntingdon youth Centre visit
24th The Cromwell House Care Awards
31st Family Day Wyton air base
1st Navy Day
2nd cake judging competition
3rd Conneygear Summer Gala
Ramsay Civic Service
10th cheese and Wine charity event
13th visit from HRH Duchess of Gloucester papworth
14th Wyton Anniversary annual Reception
15th RAF Mess
16th Huntingdon family day
Cromwell museum event
17th Battle of Britain Anniversary
19th Visit to Szentendre
29th return from Szentendre
1st High sheriff service Ely Cathedral
4th Hinchingbrooke children’s ward and scbu unit tour
7th Bingo charity Event
8th Godmanchester Civic service
10th Macmillan morning at Spring Common school
Speakability Tea Party
11th Macmillan coffee morning Spring Common school
12th TK Maxx opening and radio interview
18th Fusion Huntingdon youth Centre visit
24th The Cromwell House Care Awards
31st Family Day Wyton air base
1st Navy Day
2nd cake judging competition
3rd Conneygear Summer Gala
Ramsay Civic Service
10th cheese and Wine charity event
13th visit from HRH Duchess of Gloucester papworth
14th Wyton Anniversary annual Reception
15th RAF Mess
16th Huntingdon family day
Cromwell museum event
17th Battle of Britain Anniversary
19th Visit to Szentendre
29th return from Szentendre
1st High sheriff service Ely Cathedral
4th Hinchingbrooke children’s ward and scbu unit tour
7th Bingo charity Event
8th Godmanchester Civic service
10th Macmillan morning at Spring Common school
Speakability Tea Party
11th Macmillan coffee morning Spring Common school
12th TK Maxx opening and radio interview
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