Why is it when your life is following a great path and everything plateus out another spanner comes flying into the works? It’s been so hot and I will tell you what’s been going on recently which will explain my first sentence. So it’s been absolutely boiling I hope your all enjoying the sun 🌞 but personally it’s been rather hot for me to get comfortable at night hence being awake at 02.37 am . Mum has been to visit but bless her she has been unwell with vertigo so it’s been hard to see mum and dad but every piece of time is like a golden nugget as they live in Essex. The last few weeks it has been really difficult, Our gorgeous son is taught by and independent teaching agency for the last two years. Everything they have done has brought our 16 year old son up to speed with other kids of his age . The way the week was set out was great and the best environment for Caleb to learn. We have been told that the education panel that funds our son won’t be funding him for the independen...
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