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Hopes and dreams for 2018

I would like to plan better and visualise my aims and goals for the year on a mood board and make journal lists of what I hope to achieve within the year. Well coming back to this I’m far more organised I am starting to boost my instagram for our family page and also for Aphrodite. I did my first digital moodboard on instagram the other day which gives me a visual aid for new decor of our house . We are having some possible radical changes which gives the downstairs more open planned and changes the position of our living room and kitchen. This is possibly going to make great changes for my chronic health conditions and make life easier.
Hopefully this year we can travel back to 🇭🇺 Hungary for our first visit to Italy 🇮🇹. This now depends on he reconstruction of the property we live in and it could alter our circumstances financially. Below is my very first mood board and a photo of my first life journal which can be used for so many different ideas . The other thing now is to do a mood board on what I want to do this year   And part of that involeves sitting and reading . Our other family idea will be to start a You tube channel for our little pug and maybe do varied other ideas . If I decide to do this we will advise you of what we are going to do and when.


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