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Showing posts from 2017

Aphrodite the goddess of pugs fright list

Things I’m frightened of 1 Im not to sure of something that happened in the Garden My human brother seemed to go up and down on something( trampoline ) and laid flat on it and didn't move. I barked to alert my mummy and mummy wondered what an earth it was all about . 2  In our home there was something purple which I growled at and barked at as it moved gradually on the floor( mummy assured me it was fine it was a bag that was empty that had fallen of mummys table. It had chocolate buttons in it for humans. My mummy and daddy laughed as I asserted myself . they thought I was funny. You might see my mummy and daddy plus brothers side when you read this . 3 The moving object in the garden I barked at and pounced back and forth and growled ....(it was just a bush said mummy but i see to it to stop moving . 4 Daddy thought I would be frightened of the loud bangs in the sky and the wet stuff  coming from down. I wasn't worried  but what terrified me was that lady dr...

Aphrodite the Godess of Pugs new year message

what is going on we have already had firework night mummy and daddy ? Hello loyal pug fans and other dog loving Hoomans . I’m under that thing the Hoomans called a Christmas tree 🎄 mummy said I look cute . Don’t these Hoomans celebrate a lot of things ....pop goes the bottle that daddy’s holding , bang goes the fireworks 🎆. What ever next , ive had my first Christmas Day  and the Boxing Day .....we never went boxing though . Now it’s New Year’s Day and it’s 2018 I’m so excited I’ve had so many readers mummy said im more popular.  Well mummy I am the Godess of Pugs . Silly 😜 mummy .....ooh pug fans I’ve got some new chic clothes coming and we are still waiting on that delivery of Lilly’s food 🥘 that was supposed to come the next day but didn’t . Mummy is going to wring them because of  all these holidays these Hoomans have we have to wait for the delivery . Anyway I’m going to leave you some photos of some hip and trendy couture coming your way . I have 3 pairs of pjs ...

NEW YEAR (Celebrations)

As the year comes to close after the period of Christmas limbo 2017-2018  , I take thought of the wonderful year given to us . My daughter and Kieran come back after months in Australia 🇦🇺 and I was so proud of both of them out there with snakes 🐍, spiders 🕷 ect  . Imogen said bats 🦇 with wide wing spans and she was even chief spider catcher  whereever she went . I would have run a mile. I’m so proud they had the opportunity put to them and that they tried. It’s certainly isn’t all easy like people may think 💭. My daughter missed family , gosh !!!did I miss her so much like it hurt . I was so proud no sooner they were back both were back in the jobs they had . This year also we got our little pug who is 8 months old and she has been a real blessing to us all and has been great company and very therapeutic. We have had and some great highlights throughout as a family and moments to be very proud of  .This year we had our first visit abroad after the many years ...

Aphrodite the Godess of Pugs fans ( 🛀 bathtime)

Today was bathtime and my hooman mummy is trying to find the ultimate shampoo . Anyways the one we use does the job. It has the lemon 🍋 grass in the shampoo so it has a fresh smell my mummy says. Mummy uses a cherry blossom 🌸 spritz on me which mummy says it’s great . Daddy put me in the bath tub and mummy dried me after with the  hairdryer . I don’t really like water 💦 especially that wet stuff from the sky. So I really don’t know how daddy thinks I enjoy standing in a tub full of water 💧. After being dried I slept, mummy and daddy fussed over me whilst I layed on the chair and snuggled up. My mummy and daddy wiped around my eyes so mummy and daddy said they look much cleaner

Aphrodite the The Godess of Pugs fans story ( food 🥘)

We have watched that lady that sneaks into the kitchen Nigella . The goddess of food so I’ve seen and I think mummy has been thinking about my diet . One the list to try is few different meals . I’ve had this food called Lilly’s kitchen  before but daddy bless him gets told of if he picks the wrong food 🥘 up. The truth is this hooman loves to watch food programmes and you start to learn . Well yesterday was treat heaven as daddy picked up lots of Christmas treats that daddy couldn’t resist. I had chewy bars, biscuits , dog chocolate 🍫,  and two toys. The made mummy think about my food whilst daddy was out shopping. Whilst there was some left mummy ordered me this do check these out pug and pet fans mummy thought it was a great deal. Also on the menu was a list of other treats that mummy thought would be great for me to try. You see Lilly’s kitchen is a balanced diet a...

Aphrodite the Godess of Pugs :goes for a walk

I want to go out !!! Mummy ! Daddy !!!!! I’ve seen my harness the julius k9 on the table come on let’s get going ...I can see that white stuff again daddy on the floor ..,l,I love it . Ok that’s it dad that thing on the table the pink thing  ...yep he’s picked it up yippee . I get so excited you see . I’m so lucky I love 💖 my walks with daddy and it looks like we are about to go of on our adventure. Sometimes I ask and sometimes my hooman parents ask . Mummy always says goodbye and then off we go.  We normally walk down by the river but guess what there is a tricky situation . I can see water 💦 where there was snow. Oh my oh my it’s that wet stuff I hate  my little paws 🐾 touching that wet  stuff ....and I can see loads of it and I’m not going to walk. Hello daddy can I just stand here , you see I’m not so sure about getting my paws 🐾 in that !!!!!. What is mummy going to say about me walking through this. I’m pulling back and gently daddy gives a tug on the lea...

Aphrodite the goddess of Pug Fans story

Ditty is my nickname that the hoomans gave me .....yesterday was a crazy 😜 day first ever Christmas. I think every morning should be like this . I had a cuddle on mummy and daddy’s bed and I had things wrapped under what hoomans call Christmas trees 🎄. You should see what I got and mummy still hasn’t been successful to dress me in pyjamas like she wants to . Phew !!!! Can you believe it. Crazy beyond believe. I know my mummy will buy some soon but my brother Caleb said he wont walk me wearing clothes.  Not sure what daddy thinks. Yesterday I got piles of wrapped things which I found out where different treats and one of those tug toys. My hooman mummy wants to get me a new blanket because I have a couple but she wants me to have a nicer thicker blanket that’s soft and cozy wozy . Yesterday the house was busy as the sisters come over and I had all the attention a pug could have. I found a new place to hide and sleep 💤 under the Christmas 🎄 tree . My sister is crazy 😜 she...

5.27 am and the presents are open

We are up super early myself , Caleb then ditty and jay woke up . Ditty just wanted to cuddle up on the bed so unanimously we decided to get up. Caleb has opened his gifts and is a happy boy and is more than happy with his gifts 🎁. Thankyou Hoomans for all my snacks , what kid of day is this ive never had a day like this   ? Says ditty. So already we have eaten croissants and had orange juice and a cup of tea ☕️. My surprise is I had 2 gifts a sugar scrub and a felt soap from Caleb. Hubby bought me a beautiful bottle of Ted Baker perfume which smells rather pretty. It’s nice to have a new perfume. Written on the 26th December at 5.55 am Had fun my two daughters came over this morning and we chilled out chatted and exchanged gifts . My daughter partners were great fun and the house was very lively. Bronte is going to Peterborough today to her boyfriends family but likes to see her mummy and daddy in the morning . We had a pj morning . Imogen and Kieran have been great fun and w...

Today has been a tough day

Today has been a day of lots of sleep as I need to be positive tomorrow as I have slept so much . I need an early night due to my condition and pacing myself is a need and a must . I’m happy to say we have a happy 15 year old who has already been out on his bmx with his friend and his younger sister and her boyfriend Kieran got him destiny 2 . As additional gift before Christmas Caleb has wanted Netflix to watch programmes on there and before Christmas he had the new need for speed payback which he is already happy with. Already he has said it’s already like we have had Christmas . Normally there is a stack of gifts 🎁 under the Christmas 🎄 tree but this year it’s more about content rather than how many . Luckily our son is aware of how others struggle but never expects lots even though over the years the tree has been full .Like most most 15 year olds he loves playing the Xbox one and loves to be on his games and music  . Over years the tree is overflowing with gifts  whe...

Bike pick up

Bike 🚲 pick up.  Thankfully the bike was ready first thing this morning so that’s positive  my to be son in law one day in the future popped out to get it with jay . Thankyou to Nathan this morning plus I was able to see my granddaughter ....let’s hope it’s ok as a starter stunt bike .Maybe we can go onto a custom bike next Christmas or the following year 🎄. I do hope to be much more organised though. I havnt felt well and have felt drained going right back to to September after returning from Hungary. I think 🤔 it was because I loved Hungary 🇭🇺 so much I felt like I left part of me there . Being home is lovely because of family and our little pup ditty who missed us so much . I miss Szentendre it stole my heart and the people were so friendly. It will be something I will never forget for life as it was so beautiful Ditty says The hoomans were gone for ages and I was so happy on there return that I just won’t leave there side. Me : Yes ditty you acted strange for a ...

Today key word OUT OF STOCK

Today was the last minute dash for my husband whilst I rested at home due to my health.  I’m kind of glad some things were a real hit and we were lucky to get them discounted . The family started to do a secret Santa type thing because I used to get so emotionally stressed I would be ill every Christmas and end up crying . Anyway hubby returned with the last of pressies for my son and my daughtersand grandchildren’s presents. Pre secret. Santa I chose my middle daughter Bronte  and hubby chose the other daughter Abbey  in secret Santa. What to buy your daughter !!!!! I had in my head I was buying the her a she has a fascination for Japan and she had longed for one of these . Anyone who doesn’t know what this is it’s kind of cute and I will post a photo of the type of thing I mean . The only problem is I tried to order and it said ( This will arrive after Christmas ). My planning skills have been the worst ever since having my children. The youngest daughter pu...

Joules , Boden and other brands (Rant )

My son has grown up so quickly and every design brand or shop brand dosnt fit anymore . Most clothes that are lovely stop at age 13 . does anyone else have the same problem as me . I’ve entered the world of Abercrombie and Fitch. And to my shock I found gap dosnt fit either . What do young teen boys wear now . Caleb hates big logos that’s why Abercrombie and Fitch seemed fitting for his style. Next still fits but they don’t really offer much in the way of clothing for 15 / nearly 16 year old. What do parents do ? I’ve looked at Hackett that still fits the age group he is currently in . Currently he fits into the older range of next. The shirt he is wearing was next last year and it’s still going good. Converse  are great  but for trousers it offers very little.

Christmas wish list and sons wish list / Calebs haul

My son was great he didn’t have a wish list as such but there were a couple of things he mentioned . Most of the time this year it was difficult to pin down what he actually wanted . X box one games are always a winner so we knew in amongst his gifts there would be some of those . Anyway we bought a a few new games for our youngest Caleb . Forza 7 newest ne )  , need for speed  payback , shadow of war and from his sister Imogen and Kieran he had destiny 2 the newest one . I though this year was quite bad there wasn’t many new games out for Christmas like there generally is . Considering jay already plays assassin creed player he had the new one of that and the new call of duty game so I didn’t feel a need to get Caleb the same . we picked up a wireless speaker/ blue tooth with flashing lights , cannon camera 📷 that you can make videos or vlogs for you tube . We got Caleb the IPad Pro because we thought educationally it will help when he has home schooling and it was th...

Aphrodite story and photos of her parents from Heryonite

Told by Aphrodite  Before I carry on with my adjusting to home this is my parents and I definateley have my fathers curly tail  My parents are both Pedigree and I come from a long line of family  Below is my mother Inca  This is my father whom I look like and his name is Sirius

Aphrodite Nickname Ditty

I have had all my jabs and vetinary reviews and everything is up to date.  My mummy and daddy have signed me to a clinic close by which is great if they need to take me for any emergency’s. My home has a great garden and lots of space for me to hide and run around plus play. My first outing was to Pets at home to by food , bedding and toys. This is just the beginning for the hoomans in my life  of things I will need, A pug is for life ? I have a cosy bed which is ideal for me to curl up in and I’m only small at the moment. When I first arrived to my new family I came with a little doggy blanket and a squeaky and crinkly cow toy. My hooman mummy calls my toy moo and I sleep every night with that particular toy.

Puppy farm awareness

Puppy Farms and awareness to have a health Tested background When we got our pug i Looked for a pretty pug and didn’t realise firstly I nearly fell into the trap of a puppy farms. My husband jay said you really need to watch this documentary about puppy’s . It was so distressing it made me cry how pups were taken from there parents at an early age. Some make the journey from abroad or from points in the UK. It made me have a hard look at how I look for dog that will be be well and know it’s history . I had heard so many sad stories of people buying dogs and them dying because they were taken from there parents to young or there was something wrong. Even worse some dogs that come from puppy farms die due to lack of care and being under nourished. I decided to do a background check on the first cute pup. I researched and Unfortunately I found scam details and complaints about the first place I looked. Always make sure you buy from a reputable breeder or a pedigree puppy. After this ...

Arrival of Aphrodite 06/06/2017

Arrival of Aphrodite the Pug of love  06/06/2017 I arrived at my new home by sports car car from my human mummy Jeanne to My new family . The weather was cold and rainy and my new mummy hoped we could go in the garden for longer .  Well, i did go in the garden and got wet and cold . It was a new experience as I pounced around the garden. You see I'm not sure if it is a garden as it looked like a field or a meadow. Mummy brought me in and dried me and cuddled and fussed over me. I've been here since the 6 th June and there has been lots of visitors but I was loved by  everyone.  My human siblings have all loved me and cuddled me and Imogen thinks I look like frank from the Men in Black . Imogen is the first to give me a nickname frank and I will tell you more names I gain . They  have all loved me so much and they return to cuddle me. I had a new visitor today Caleb's teacher and a young girl Called silan. I have been completely cuddled and loved so m...

Meet our pug Aphrodite ( telling her story )

This is an introduction to our pug and she will tell her story ....she does have her blog but I have decided to combine blogs to add more information about our family Aphrodite the goddess of Pugs We are great and friendly characters and currently I'm living with my mummy , daddy and grandad . My mummy is called Inca and my daddy is Called Sirius. All of us are called Heryonite like mummy and daddy. My siblings all have this name as we are pedigree and that’s our pedigree name .  But My name is Heryonite Aphrodite i am a pedigree dog and come from a kennel club breeder. My new mummy and daddy didn't want me to come from anywhere else as they were worried. I like to play with toys and run around the garden with my family. My current owner who has spent so much time with me is waiting until the 29 th when I am old enough to leave my real mummy. We are great at being trained if our owners take the time with us. Our current mummy said we snore lots which is what I have ...

Continuing December events in the mayoral role

December 7 th Thongsley School 8th Primrose Hill Care Home Christmas Dinner 9th Polish Saturday School Natavity 10th Peterborough Cathedral 11th HDC Christmas carol Service 12th Primrose Hill care Home 13 th Huntingdon radio 14th College Presentation          GrubHub Christmas party Up to date for now until anymore bookings come in

October , November and December mayoral Events

13 th Churchill home opening 14 th Godmanchester dinner 15 th Ely Civic service 18 th bulb planting Hunters down cancelled 21st Black bull dinner with the Navy 13 th Churchill home opening 14 th Godmanchester dinner 15 th Ely Civic service 18 th bulb planting Hunters down cancelled 21st Black bull dinner with the Navy 27th USAF ladies for tea in the parlour 28 th Huntingdon Racecourse charity Collection on Halloween/firework evening 29 th The Civic Service 31st Bella Italia checking out the Christmas selection dinner November 3rd Burgess Hall St Ives Hunts Post Buisness awards 4 th Bingo charity Night 5th Small Steps our charity party firework fun Huntingdon 9 th HDC Remembrance Flag Raising 10th Madinglwy Remembrance Service          St Johns Ambulance Presentation Evening 11th Remembrance Day Service         Mayors charity dinner Ramsey 12th Remembrance Sunday 13 presentation at the bowls club Huntingdon 15th Pudse...

Our visit this year to Szentendre our twin town

We had the good fortune with my Husband and I being Mayor and Mayoress of the town to be invited to our twin town called Szentendre. Szentendre is in Hungary and is a really beautiful and very scenic and picturesque town and has a real magic about it . It is grand in style and very majestic in style and class in every shape and form. This majestic town sits near the Danube which is surprisingly wide and just beautiful. The town has cobbled streets and tiny alleys that look like something out of a magic book. There is always something to do and it’s the city of art and has a colony of artists. 162 artists live in the town of Szentendre and when being there I could understand why . The town can look the same but different in respect of natural lighting.  There are many little places to eat and visit some great museums and galleries. Each artist is so different and there prospective of arts is so different. Some artists sit on the street and paint whilst some also do caricature drawin...

This week relaxing and working through Netflix

I’ve been poorly for some time now and it’s been wonderful to have the usage of Netflix . I have had a bad few months since our return from Hungary. I’m not sure if it’s because I was depressed about coming home . I know I have been harbouring a cold which turned into an infection that I can’t shake of . My asthma has been a little out of control and curiosly up and down and my peak flow has been low but I have already had antibiotics and steroids. Anyway thanks to Netflix I have watched the complete series of  the following titles. 1 Top Of The lake Top of the Lake is set in the beautiful picturesque country of New Zealand . The series is about a detective Robin Griffin who becomes obsessed with the safety of of a young girl called Tui . Suspicions arise when Robin suspect the father of abuse . In an attempt to help  Tui she tries to reach out to her in the best way possible . Tui the young 12 year old goes missing and the case is stepped up in and attempt to find her . T...
Into the month of August more mayoral dates for the diary 6th Charity bingo night for our charity’s  12th Carnival  13th RAF Wyton anniversary  14th police HQ 18th Fusion Huntingdon youth Centre visit 24th The Cromwell House Care Awards 31st Family Day Wyton air base September 1st Navy Day 2nd cake judging competition 3rd Conneygear Summer Gala         Ramsay Civic Service 10th cheese and Wine charity event 13th visit from HRH Duchess of Gloucester papworth 14th Wyton Anniversary annual Reception 15th RAF Mess 16th Huntingdon family day          Cromwell museum event 17th Battle of Britain Anniversary 19th Visit to Szentendre 29th return from Szentendre October 1st High sheriff service Ely Cathedral 4th Hinchingbrooke children’s ward and scbu unit tour 7th Bingo charity Event 8th Godmanchester Civic service 10th Macmillan morning at Spring Common school          S...

Dates fulfilled as Mayor and Mayoress through the year up to date

May the beginning of the mayoral year. 18 th Godmanchester Mayor making 25 th Grub Hut visit one of our charities 26 th Open beer festival King of the Belgians 30 th coffee morning for the victims of Manchester June 2nd Launch of the floral display for Pericles 7th civic leader tour 9th Pensioners Party 10th Riverside Gala 11th civic Sunday 16th Hunters Down         Cromwell Nursing Home          High Sheriff party 17 th Hinchingbrooke young carers Picnic 21st Midsummer Fair 22nd Bishop of Elys Garden Party 23rd Armed forces Flag Raising 28 th Speakability coffee morning 29 th Hinchingbrooke School Alevel evening 30 th Alconbury air base Fireworks display July 1 st RSSG  Summer reception Buckden Towers 2nd Godmanchester Picnic in The park 4th Luminous awards 5 th Shakespeare at the George Pericles 7 th Huntingdon in Bloom 8th Hinchingbrooke music concert 9th Sea Sunday 10 th Battle of Britain Flag raisin...

I havnt written for sometime and feel this need to do a year catch up

This year has been the busiest year but we have met some wonderful people along the way . Jay became Mayor in may of last year 2017 -2018 so it’s been so busy and our schedule as a couple has increased. My fatigue has been very much out of control and I have had to rest to maintain my energy. Generally I just needed to pace myself and take time out and rest occasionally. My health has increasingly been frustrating but it’s one of those things . I get up and start the day and think for that day but it’s always with a struggle but most days I have to stay positive . I will give an update of events that we have undertaken throughout the year which will be interesting to see written down. In the morning when I can access the diary I will begin to make a list.. I tend to write and think better very early hours of the morning and my thoughts are much clearer. I’m not very good with noise and background sound so it’s much easier to be a peace and write through the night. This year for our fam...

Imogen and Kieran final day in the UK before there adventure to Australia

At Heathrow   A fairly long car journey for me and some real nerves setting in as I travel with Trish and we spoke about the kids and our feelings about them not being around for a while . I was mixed feelings with excitement and mostly nervous as Imogen is our youngest daughter. Taking this trip with Kieran was a huge step but one that would be great for them and to see the world. From a mothers prospective it must have been very difficult to walk away from there rented home and there belongings that started their home together. Most of their affects put into storage for them on their return and the rest was distributed to us to look after or keep. On arrival at Heathrow terminal both cars arrived at fairly much the same time.  We met as we come out of the car park and there they were with their back packs looking nervous. All of us were dealing with the change in our own way with knotted tummies , worrying looks at each other , we all tried to sit and get a drink a...

Fave Music Walk of The Earth I found this Band with a real happy beat and wonderful Harmonies and a great ability for using many instruments Petatonix  Petatonix has marvellous harmonies and such wonderful skills and have the ability to charm audiences all of the world 

Unwell again like Christmas time 3rd of January

3rd of January  Since last week i felt i was going downhill and like just before Christmas  had a high fever this was followed by severe sickness and a temperature that seemed to build up . I have had a sore throat now for an ongoing period but sometimes I don't worry about it due to the fact.  It may only be sore at night or early morning . Well, this last few days  I have had a sore throat all the time with a hacking cough that followed. Soon after every thing from the very beginning  I had a powerful headache. My temperature had been peeking at 38 C on Friday ad Saturday and on Sunday it was 39C . I'm going to log the amount of times where these illnesses are similar. The only difference last time was the reverse where the headache was more prevalent and definitely more severe with the sickness. It does have similarities like last time except on the reverse. This time also it has started of my asthma which has been harder to deal with but I'm ok with taki...

Bucket list

My personalBucket List  small steps and big steps  Be on our local Town council  To be  Deputy Mayor  Love to be a mayoress of the town  To help my son be confident  To help my son get his you tube account up and running with videos  Visit my my sponsored children in Africa , brazil and Columbia  See we were Evergreen again Have Evergreen play at my home  See Gemma hayes in Concert again  See Stomp Live  Watch the Cirque du soleil To try flower arranging  write a book  Visit Paris the city of Love  Visit szentendre in Hungary Visit Gubbio in Italy our twinned town  visit America  Go to the beautiful county of Iceland  Meet Emma Thompson  Meet Emilia Fox  To help others with Cancer via blogging , talking and also eventually vlogging xx

My sponsored children with World Vision and Children International

Just recently i took the plunge to sponsor with two new organisations to our family after so much stress with another organisation. It was lovely to be treated with so much love and care and respect and so easy to pay . One thing is nice is that you can sponsor any child that you would like to. I took time in sponsoring because each child is a blessing and mostly with the guidance of God I was able to patiently think things through. I knew if I was meant to sponosr the children I had seen then they would still be there for me. First of all sponsored 2 children with world Vision. My first choice was Ana Clara who was pointed to by a friend who sponsors with many other organisations. I had seen another child I had thought of sponsoring but after a few days I knew it was Ana Clara that I needed to choose and luckily World vision have little videos which help you in a few minutes to gage what sort of personalty they have. Its sweet to hear them talk and Ana shined bless her and she was wea...